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Results for Oldcastle Agricultural Show 2024
Show Results
Champion Broodmare
Horses ➤ Broodmare & Foal Classes Ring 1
Results for
1: Sport Horse or TB Broodmare
2: Registered Irish Draught Broodmare
3: Champion Broodmare
4: Colt Foal
5: Filly Foal
6: Champion Foal
7: Registered Irish Draught Youngstock, Filly
8: Registered Irish Draught Youngstock Colt or Gelding
8A: Champion In Hand RID Horse
12: Two Year Old Gelding or Colt
13: Two Year Old Filly
14: Champion In hand Two Year Old horse
15: Three year old Colt or Gelding
16: Three Year Old Filly
17: Champion In Hand Three-year-old horse
18: Young Horse Champion
20: Traditional Gypsy Cob Youngstock
21: Traditional Gyspy Cob In Hand Senior
22: Champion Traditional Cob
27: Miniature Filly or Mare
28: Miniature Gelding or Stallion
29: Champion Miniature Horse
30: Welsh Pony, Purebred, colt, gelding or filly.
31: Welsh Pony, Purebred Broodmare
32: Welsh Pony Purebred Foal
67: Ridden Welsh Pony
33: Champion Welsh Pony
34: Connemara Yearlings
35: Connemara Young Stock
36: Junior Connemara Mare - 4 year old to 7 year old, in foal or with foal at foot.
37: Senior Connemara Mare - 8 year old & over, in foal or with foal at foot.
38: Connemara Foal
39: Ridden Connemara Pony - Open to riders under 16 years of age.
42: Ridden Connemara Pony - Open to riders over 16 years of age.
41: Champion Ridden Connemara Pony
26: In Hand Pony Championship
43: Home Produced Novice Show Rider
46: Home Produced Riding Club Horse
43A: Senior Ladies Side Saddle
47: First Season Green Hunter Show Class
48: Small Hunter Mare or Gelding 4 Year Old & over.
49: Ridden Cob
50: Light Weight Hunter
51: Middle-Weight/Heavy-Weight Hunter
52: Coloured Riding Horse
53: Champion Ridden Hunter
53A: Champion Ridden Mare
68: Lead Ridden Pony
70: 133cm Show Hunter Pony
71: 143 cm Show Hunter Pony
72: 153 cm Show Hunter Pony -
73: Champion Show Pony
61: Connemara Pony Performance
64: 143 cm Working Hunter Pony
65: 153 cm Working Hunter Pony
66: Champion Working Hunter Pony
54: Performance Green Hunter
56: Novice Working Hunter
57: Open Working Hunter
58: Working Hunter Championship
58A: Working Hunter Champion Mare
90: Open Showmanship for Boys under 14 years
91: Open Showmanship for girls under 14 years
92: Open Showmanship for boys & girls, aged over 14y under 18y
93: Best Dairy Stockperson Under 18 years old
92A: Qualifier; The All Ireland Junior Young Stockperson Championship 2024 8-12 Years Old
94: Champion & Reserve Champion Young Stockperson
110: Best Dairy Heifer with No More than Two Teeth
111: Best Dairy Heifer under One-Year-Old
112: Champion & Reserve Champion Dairy Animal
113: Best Beef Shorthorn Female - Any Age
114: Best Beef Shorthorn Male - Any Age
95: Best Non-Continental Calf Male or Female under 350kgs
96: The Carl Gilsenan Best Continental Cross Female Calf.
97: Best Continental Cross Male Calf under 400kgs
98: Best Limousin Cross Male or Female Under 330kgs.
99: Champion & Reserve Champion Commercial Calf
101: Best Cross Bred Suckler cow with calf at foot
102: Best Cross Breed Heifer suitable to make a suckler cow with not more than two permanent teeth
103: Best Bullock or Heifer suitable for producer group.
104: Best Butchers Heifer under 500kgs
105: The Traditional Meat Company Championship Continental Bullock or Heifer any age suitable for factory purposes,
106: Best Non-Continental Breed Bullock or Heifer
107: The Oldcastle All Ireland Beef Heifer Final
108: Champion & Reserve Champion Non Pedigree Animal
115: Qualifier The All Ireland Non Pedigree Suckler Heifer Championship
116: Qualifier The All Ireland Pedigree Suckler Type Heifer Championship
117: The ISA & The Dept of Agricultural Presents the Breeders Choice Continental 4* OR 5* Breeding Heifer
118: Best Pedigree Simmental Cow with Calf at Foot
119: Best Pedigree Simmental Heifer or Junior Cow with calf at foot born between 010921 & 310723
120: Best Pedigree Simmental Heifer born between 010923 & 311223
121: Best Pedigree Simmental Bull born between 010923 & 311223
122: Best Pedigree Simmental Male or Female born on or after 010124
123: Best Pedigree Simmental Champion & Reserve Champion
125: Best Pedigree Limousin Heifer or Junior Cow with calf at foot born between 010921 & 310723
126: Best Pedigree Limousin Bull born between 010922 & 310823
127: Best Pedigree Limousin Bull born between 010923 & 311223
128: Best Pedigree Limousin Heifer born between 010923 & 311223
129: Best Pedigree Limousin Bull born on or after 010124
130: Best Pedigree Limousin Heifer born on or after 010124
131: Best Pedigree Limousin Champion & Reserve Champion
132: Best Pedigree Charolais Bull or Heifer born between 010922 & 310823
133: Best Pedigree Charolais Heifer born between 010923& 311223
134: Best Pedigree Charolais Bull born between 010923 & 311223
135: Best Pedigree Charolais Bull or Heifer Calf Born on or after 01/01/24
136: Best Pedigree Charolais Champion & Reserve Champion
137: Best Pedigree Hereford Cow or Heifer born before 300623
138: Best Pedigree Hereford Bull born between 010723 & 311023
139: Best Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 010723 & 311023
140: Best Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or after 011123
141: Best Pedigree Hereford Heifer born on or after 011123
142: North Leinster Hereford Branch Heifer of the year born between 01-07-23 & 14-09-23
143: North Leinster Hereford Branch Bull of the year born between 010723 & 140923
144: Best Pedigree Hereford Champion & Reserve Champion
145: Next Generation Herefords Young Handler Under 11 years of age Free entry
146: Next Generation Herefords Young Handler Under 14 years of age Free entry
147: Next Generation Herefords Young Handler Under 18 years of age Free entry
148: Best Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Cow with calf at foot
149: Best Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Heifer or Junior Cow with calf at foot born between 010921 & 310723
150: Best Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Heifer born between 010823 & 311223
151: Best Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Bull born between 010823 & 311223
152: Best Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Heifer born on or after 010124
153: Best Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Bull born on or after 010124
154: Best Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Champion & Reserve Champion
155: Best Pedigree Belgian Blue Bull or Heifer born after 010923
156: Best Pedigree Belgian Blue Bull or Heifer born before 010923
157: All Ireland Junior Calf Final
158: All Ireland Pairs.
159: The Interbreed Pedigree Continental Calf Championships
160: The Interbreed Pedigree Non Continental Calf Championship
161: The Oldcastle All Ireland Final of the Young Beef Bullock Championship
162: Best Purebred Texel Senior Ram
163: Best Purebred Texel Senior Ewe
164: Best Purebred Texel Hogget Ram
165: Best Purebred Texel Hogget Ewe
166: Best Purebred Texel Ram Lamb
167: Best Purebred Texel Ewe Lamb
168: Best Purebred Texel Champion & Reserve Champion
169: Best Purebred Suffolk Ewe or Ram
170: Best Purebred Beltex Ewe Lamb
171: Best Purebred Beltex Ram Lamb
172: Best Purebred Beltex Hoggett Ewe & Upwards
174: Best Purebred Charollais Ewe
175: Best Purebred Charollais Ram
176: Best Purebred Blue Texel or Dassenkop Lamb
177: Best Purebred Blue Texel or Dassenkop Shearling or Older
178: Best Purebred Ewe other than a Texel, Suffolk, Charollais, & Beltex.
179: Best Purebred Ram other than Texel, Suffolk, Charollais, & Beltex.
181: Best Native Breed Ram
182: Best Native Breed Ewe
180: Best Overall Purebreed Champion & Reserve Champion
184: Under 12-Year-Old Stock Handler Class Open to All Breeds.
185: Under 15 Year-Old Stock Handler Class
186: Under 18 Year-Old Stock Handler Class
187: Best Cross Bred Breeding Ewe
188: Best Cross Bred Breeding Hogget
189: Best Cross Bred Breeding Ewe Lamb
190: Best Purebred Ram & Two Breeding Ewes
191: Best Pen of Three French Type Lambs
192: Best Butcher Type Lamb
193: Best Butcher Type Store Lamb
194: Best Commercial Champion & Reserve Champion
196: The Greatest Cockeral of Oldcastle
197: Best Large Breed Duck
198: Best Large Breed Drake
199: Best Light Breed Duck
200: Best Light Breed Drake
200 A: Best Call Duck Male or Female
201: Best Large Fowl Cock - Any Breed
202: Best Large Hen - Any breed
203: Best Bantam - Soft Feather, Male
204: Best Bantam - Soft Feather, Female
205: Best Bantam - Hard Feather, Female
206: Best Bantam- Hard Feather Male
207: Best Guinea Fowl - Male or Female
208: Best True Bantam - Female
209: Best True Bantam - Male
210: Best Cross Breed Laying Hen
211: Best Matching Cock & Hen Pair (Same Breed)
200 B: call duck female
214: Best Pullet - Any Breed
213: Best Goose or Gander
215: Champion & Reserve Champion Bird of Oldcastle Show
214A: Junior Handler
214: Best Pullet - Any Breed
216: Qualifier: The All Ireland True & Rare True Bantam Breeding Pair Chicken Championship Final
217: Qualifier: The All Ireland Soft Feather: Heavy Breeding Pair Chicken Championship Final
223: Qualifier: The All Ireland Traditional Handmade Craft Final
224: Childs Hand-Knitted Garment
225: Best Knitted Article
226: One Pair of Hand-Knitted Gloves Socks or Hat
227: Hand-Knitted Garment - Ladies or Gents - can include Aran pattern
228: Best Knitted Article in Heavy Wool
229: Best Piece of Emoidery
230: Best Article in Crochet Work in Cotton
231: Best Crochet Blanket
232: Best Article in Patchwork
233: Novelty Pin cushion
234: Best Home-Made Cushion
235: Best Needlework Picture
236: Best Home-Made Soft Toy
237: Best Article In Handcraft
238: Best Article of Handcraft - confined to residents of nursing homes
239: Best Article of Handcraft - confined to people with special needs.
251: Qualifier: The Odlums All Ireland Home Baking Championship
252: Qualifier: All Ireland Bread Baking Competition
253: Homemade Brown Cake
254: Homemade White Soda Cake
255: Homemade Brown Health Loaf
256: The Sheila Keogan Memorial Cup for the Best Plate of Six Plain Tea Scones
257: Plate of Six Fruit Tea Scones
258: Homemade Cherry Cake
259: Homemade Sponge Sandwich
260: Homemade Butter Sandwich
261: Best Six Brownies
262: Best Four Homemade Biscuits
263: Best Christmas Pudding
264: Best Tea Brack
265: Homemade Sultana Cake
266: Homemade Swiss Roll- Three Eggs
267: Homemade Madeira Cake
268: Chocolate Sandwich Cake with Butter Icing
269: Coffee Sandwich Cake- Butter Sponge
270: Six Plain Queen Cakes
271: Six Shortbread Pieces
272: Best Apple Tart
273: Decorated Sponge Flan
274: Homemade Cheesecake
275: Best Novelty Cake
276: Harvest Fruit Loaf
277: Best Muffin
278: Chocolate Biscuit Cake
279: Boiled Fruit Cake
280: Porter Cake
281: Ginger Cake
282: Mary Timmons Memorial Perpetual Trophy
283: The Caddens SuperValu Bake Off
284: The Caffreys Bar & Restaurant Afternoon Tea for Two Competition
285: Six Gluten Free Scones
286: Gluten-Free Bread
287: Spelt Bown Bread
288: Quiche
289: Savoury Scones
290: Four Boiled Potatoes -Any Type
291: Four Flapjacks
292: Four Best Decorated Toffee or Chocolate Apples
293: Six Chocolate Chip Cookies
294: Best Creative Display of Prepared Fruit on a Dinner Plate.
295: Six Homemade Scones
296: Six Queen Cakes Decorated
297: Apple Tart
298: Four Most Imaginative Rice Krispie Buns
299: Decorated Gingerbread
300: Six New Laid White Eggs
301: Six New Laid Brown Eggs
302: Six Hen Eggs - Any other colour
303: Six Duck Eggs - White
304: Six Duck Eggs-Green
305: Six Bantam Eggs - Any colour
306: Best Yolk
307: Pot of Gooseberry Jam
308: Pot of Strawberry Jam
309: Pot of Blackcurrant Jam
310: Pot of Rhubarb Jam
311: Pot of Raspberry Jam
312: Pot of Marmalade
313: Pot of Jam - any other variety
314: Pot of Runny Honey
315: Pot of Chutney - any variety
316: Best Half Bale of Hay
317: Best Three Sods of Turf
319: Two Courgettes
320: Peas - Dish of Six Pods
321: Broadbeans - Dish of Six Pods
322: Three Onion Sets
323: Six Shallots
324: Scallions Bunch of Six
325: Carrots - Two - One Variety
326: Beetroot - Three Roots
327: Cucumber - One
328: Vegetable Marrow - One
329: Cauliflower - One Head
330: Lettuce - One Head
331: Lettuce - One Head of Red Leaf
332: Rhubarb - Best Three Stalks
333: Parsley - Best Three Sprigs
334: Best Cabbage - One Head.
335: Best Collection of Vegetables on a Tray
336: Best Turnip
337: Best Three Garlic
338: Best Collection of Culinary Herbs
340: The Most Unusual Shaped Vegetable
343: Best Two Potatoes
353: Best Five Tubers. Any White Skinned Variety
354: Best Five Tubers. Any Coloured Skinned Variety
355: Best Five Tubers. British Queens
355 A: Fr. Joe O'Dowd Memorial Cup Best Potatoe Exhibit
356: Qualifier The Quality Onion All Ireland Championship.
359: Best Hanging Basket
360: Best Window Box
361: Best Patio Pot
362: Arrangement for Dining-Room Table
363: Arrangement of Wild Flowers
364: Arrangement of Cut Flowers
365: Arrangement of Flowers in a Cup & Saucer
367: Vase of Carnations - Three Stems -One Kind
368: Vase of Sweet Pea - Three Stems Mixed
369: Vase of Mixed Dahlias
371: Best Pompon Dahlia - Three Bloom
372: The Ros na Riogh Perpetual Challenge Cup Champion & Reserve Champion
375: Best Hybrid Tea Rose - One Bloom One Vase
376: Vase of Floribunda Roses - Three Stems
377: Best Three Hybrid Tea Roses - in One Vase
378: Hardy Herbaceous Flowers - One Kind - Five Stems in One Vase
379: Best Cactus Plant
380: Pot Plant in Bloom - Excluding Geranium
381: Foliage Pot Plant - Non-Flowering
382: Pot Pant, Succulent
383: Pot Plant Geranium Pelargonium in Bloom
384: Best Three Begonias on a Plate
385: Best Vase of Antirrhinum - 3 Stems
386: The Flower Shop Tray Champion & Reserve Champion
387A: The All Ireland Photography Championship
387: Best Photograph - Any Subject- Unframed- Max Size: 7x5in.
388: Adult- Best Black & White Photograph - Unframed - Max Size: 7x5in.
389: Adult-Best Photograph - Agricultural Subject Unframed - Max Size: 7x5in.
390: Adult- Best Photograph - Unframed - Postcard Size
391: Best Photograph -Child & their Pet-Unframed -Max Size: 7x5in.
392: Best Scenic Photograph
393: Best Photograph -Any Subject -Unframed -Max Size: 7x5in.
394: Best Photograph- Any Subject-Unframed -Max Size: 7x5in.
395: Most Amusing Photograph - Unframed - Maximum Size: 7x5in.
396: My Favourite Animal - Unframed - Max Size: 7x5in.
397: Best Specimen of Handwriting
398: Best Specimen of Handwriting
399: Pencil Sketch Drawing
400: Best Painting
401: Oldcastle Show Special Art Competition
402: Best Painting Framed - Any Subject
403: Best Watercolour - Any Subject
404: Best Oil Painting, Framed
405: Best Painting confined to members of Active Retirement Associations
406: Qualifier The Fleetwood Paints All Ireland Amateur Painting Competition
434: Oldcastle Shows Best Young Farmer Competition
Sponsored by
Tuite's Garage (Oldcastle) Ltd.
Oldcastle Laboratories
Lynch's Pharmacy
Entry No:
Ms Louise McEnteggart, Louth
Animal Name:
FreeDance D'Hyrencourt
Udancer Hero
City Blue D'Hyrencourt
Animal Name:
Filly Foal
Bravour VDL
FreeDance D'Hyrencourt
Louise McEnteggart
Entry No:
Ciara Browne, Meath
Animal Name:
Belsgrove Bellezza
Battle of Marengo
Cinderella Story
Ciara Browne
Animal Name:
Belsgrove Bellezza
Battle of Marengo
Cinderella Story
Ciara Browne